[Mgs] fixnsell 74,5. Continuing saga.

cyberemp at comcast.net cyberemp at comcast.net
Thu Sep 20 15:23:42 MDT 2007

Greetings O-listers.
Project 74.5 continues.
Some of you may recall the tale of my endeavors to repair and sell one of my 
MGs. As is true with most projects I have undertaken in the past, the project 
has taken more time and money than I had anticipated.
   The problem of low compression in cylinder number three has been traced to a 
hairline crack in the cylinder head.
  I do have three other MGs from which to take another cylinder head, but this 
will only put the cost of replacement into the future, as I'll be fixing and 
selling those cars after I finish this one.
   The car was supposed to come with an overdrive transmission.( The reason I 
bought yet another MG) This turns out to be untrue.( B#st%rds)!!!!!
   While lowering the car I'm replacing all the bushings, cleaning up and 
painting the suspension and those no-style wheels, rebuilding the brakes, and 
repairing the rusted out dogleg on the passenger side. Amazing how much rust was 
hiding inside that fender. Were these cars originally made without a way for 
water to drain from that area? I'll check the other MGs to see. Maybe this was 
"fixed" before without regard for the future.
   It's an overcast day here in California. Perhaps I shall recover the seats. 
For years I've read of the woes of replacing the mgb seat covers, while knowing 
that there is a better way than those posted here. Since I'm on the digest, the 
problem is solved before I can chim in with my advice garnered from restoring 
"other" brands of cars.
   So I'll try to photo document my seat recovering, and perhaps add my 2cents 
of info to the archives.

Non MG related note below.

On a personal note, It appears that I'll be forced into early retirement as a 
result of the lasting affects of a car accident I had back in 1999. That 
wouldn't be so bad, except for the lack of money. I'll be selling my house here 
in California and moving to a place that has more affordable real-estate. 
(pretty much anywhere other than the San Francisco Bay area) My preference. More 
trees, fewer people. shop to work on cars.
Last time I saw this kind of question posted to another list, people would 
respond with notes like "you don't want to move to Oregon. It rains all the 
time"   :-)
Respond privately if you live in a quiet area that has more trees, fewer people, 
and real-estate that doesn't cost more than the national debt.
Suggest a realtor if you know an honest one.
End of shameless non mg related message.

1946 MG-TC
1959 MGA 
65 MGB
70 MGB
71 MGB
74.5 MGB
00 Nissan X-Terra
So many cars, so little parking, and soon to be no parking.

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