[Mgs] Cooling issue [now microcars, OT]

Max Heim max_heim at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 21 14:20:36 MDT 2007

Not really... Metros are pretty common (later on they were even badged as
Chevies). But a lot of the folks in the AAS are also members of the Microcar
& Minicar Club, which we participated in when my wife had a Honda 600 (which
qualified as both Mini and Arcane). We joined them for the Xmas Tree Run one
year and brought back a tree on the roof (a small tree, needless to say).

On that subject, I saw a Scootacar (on a trailer, not on the track --
heaven forbid) at the Wine Country Classic vintage races. That would
definitely be a double-qualifier...


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires

on 6/21/07 12:45 PM, DON SCOTT at rowdon at sonoma-county.org wrote:

> Does a Geo Metro make you eligible for the Arcane Car
> Society of the SF Bay Area?  The British Car show held in
> Palo Alto CA in the fall of each year, has a big (or small?)
> bonus feature.  Cars from the Arcane group are the strangest
> assortment of micro, mini, and otherwise oddball cars I've
> seen in one place- Isettas,Volgas, tiny Fiats, Auto Unions,
> etc. etc.
>>>> Max Heim <max_heim at sbcglobal.net> 6/21/2007 12:21:36 PM
> on 6/21/07 11:13 AM, DON SCOTT at rowdon at sonoma-county.org
> wrote:
>> What does one of those thermometers cost?  Wish I had one
> years ago when
>> I was more involved with overheating Britcars!  My Miata
> and Civic Si
>> temp gauge just go to N and stay there regardless of the
> ambient temp or
>> the grade of the road or movement of the car.  Maybe the
> gauges on
>> Japanese cars are inaccurate and are designed to make the
> driver think
>> everything's ok?
> Not so much "inaccurate" as "severely damped" -- they are
> not analog
> real-time gauges, but are under control of the ECU.
> For example, my wife's Geo Metro has a temp gauge that
> scarcely ever moves
> off "cold" (this seems unlikely for an inline 3 with a
> heritage of
> overheating problems and a plastic radiator the size of a
> sheet of
> letterhead). Dealer diagnostics traced it to the computer,
> which also tends
> to display the "check engine" warning at random. Their
> response was "Live
> with it -- it's not worth replacing the ECU".
> --

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