[Mgs] Cooling issue

Pat Harris - "sammler" sammler at bellsouth.net
Thu Jun 21 14:26:49 MDT 2007

I can second the recommendation to purchase an IR thermometer.  In 
addition to using it to convince myself that the temperature of the 
circulating water was somewhat correct at various locations I also used 
it to help me locate the "hot spots" on the inside of the firewall/foot 
well of my MGA so that I could make an attempt to lower the temp inside 
the car.  I found a sizable gap on the passenger side where the slanted 
floorboard meets the firewall and plugging it helped quite a bit.

For city driving I found that the plastic cooling shroud kept the temp 
down a few degrees - as I understand it the effect of the shroud is just 
to make a better pathway for the air at low rpms, forcing it toward the 
rear of the engine compartment and thus not allowing  the air which has 
just passed through the radiator from being sucked around to the front 
of the radiator.

Dodd, Kelvin wrote:
> Matt:
> First. Go out and buy an infrared thermometer as suggested. They are
> really cool fun toys and will let you know what is really happening.

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