[Mgs] MGB Cruising Speed.

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jun 21 02:06:47 MDT 2007

The comment about the carbs and getting the *ideal* curve (as opposed to the 
design curve) on a rolling road is perfectly correct, but you can diagnose a 
faulty curve i.e. too aggressive due to tired advance springs with nothing 
more than a timing light, preferable an adjustable one where you can turn a 
dial until the flashes are on TDC then read off the real advance from the 
dial.  With a standard engine and carbs in good condition I'd expect mixture 
to be pretty much as it should be, it is timing which is more likely to go 


----- Original Message ----- 
> The problem is that without tuning the car on a dyno or rolling road, it
> is unlikely that the tuning is going to be accurate at that speed.
> Getting technical, some quick checks with a timing light showed that
> both original distributors were giving far too much advance. 

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