[Mgs] MGB Cruising Speed.

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jun 20 06:20:36 MDT 2007

As far as the engine goes I regularly cruise my standard engine at 80, and 
have often been higher than that.  If your engine has been balanced I'd 
expect to be able to cruise higher than that with no problems, the problem 
is that once an engine has been modified things do change, not always for 
the better.  I regularly read of fears that these cars are going to break, 
they are stronger than many think.

As for handling it all depends on the road and traffic conditions at the 
time, and that can only be your call.  On a motorway the handling far 
outdoes the performance, unless you have to take violent avoiding action 
when faced with an unexpected incident.  A narrow, twisty lane with traffic 
travelling in both directions is a different issue.  That's what driving is 
about - making value judgements taking into account all the variables at the 
time, not simply pointing it and being oblivious as to what is going on 
around you (as all too many people do these days).


----- Original Message ----- 
> Taking into account both the handling and the engine stress, I was just
> wondering what you folks would consider a safe cruising speed for the BGT.

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