[Mgs] carb leak

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jun 20 02:34:25 MDT 2007

The fuel level could be too high in one float chamber, and the gasket 
defective, such that fuel is splashing up and leaking out when in motion. 
That would explain why the fuel pump stops.  But OTOH only clicks closer 
than 30 secs apart indicate a problem (either with the float valve or pump, 
or possibly in your case a cracked float chamber lid or delivery pipe) so 
maybe you need to wait longer to see if any fuel appears.  Is the vent pipe 
clear?  If it were blocked and the valve leaking then it may well leak out 
of the top, again if the gasket were faulty.  If the vent is blocked and no 
other path then the float wouldn't rise and shut off the fuel, which would 
be pump straight up the jet and into the inlet manifold, which would be 
accompanied by frequent clicking.

Does it ever show a leak with your head under the bonnet revving the engine? 
If not then it would seem like splashing when in motion is the only way it 
could happen, since any leak in delivery should show under virtually any 
conditions when the ignition is on.  But then again, maybe when the engine 
gets hot a crack in the lid opens up, but that should *continue* to leak if 
you keep the engine running once fuel has appeared on the lid.


----- Original Message ----- 
>I took my 67BGt for a spin the other day and ended up sniffing gas fumes
> again. The top of the front float cover was wet with fuel. 

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