[Mgs] Virtual Westminster MG Museum

MGMagnette at aol.com MGMagnette at aol.com
Mon Jul 30 20:04:43 MDT 2007

I threw up a website real fast... no content, no memorable URL yet.
_http://www.mgcars.org.uk/farina/westminster/_ (http://www.mgcars.org.uk
Just let me know if the graphics, text, etc are way too big or don't work  in 
your browser or whatever.  If everything is working fine I'll get it a  real 
URL and then start loading up stuff.
There is no content, but I'll put up Barney's pictures tomorrow...  promise.  
 I will need a little help with identifying makes and  models.   I hate to 
say it, but the prewar stuff all looks the same to  me.   I can pick out the 
farina magnette and the arnolt TD and stuff  but those square riggers could all 
be TCs for all I know!
The pencil drawing is of Gerry's K3 or K4 and was sent to me today by the  
artist.  I don't have his permission to use it yet so pretend you didn't  see 

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