[Mgs] naming cars

Eric Houkal erictw1 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 22 09:19:27 MDT 2007

Ah, you've noticed that too- I keep waiting for her toadd "stupid" to the remark. She also seems to get more exasperated the more often you defy her orders.

dave houser <mgs4dave at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
  Haven't named our MG's but call our Garmin GPS "Moana". Whenever we 
don't follow her directions, she says "ReCALCulating" in a really 
exasperated tone.
Dave Houser

Charles & Peggy Robinson wrote:

> Peg named our MGB. One night we were talking about where the cars & 
>pickup were parked and Peg said, "Well, the pickup and the Prius are 
>under the carport but 'Her Majesty' stays in the garage."
erictw1 at sbcglobal.net

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