[Mgs] naming cars (was MGB likes to lay a patch)

Marc smarc at smarc.net
Sat Jul 21 16:24:26 MDT 2007

   The  only cars I've ever named were simply "F**king piece of s**t" and
   disposed of unceremoniously!

   MGMagnette at aol.com wrote:

<<There is even time to wash it!  >>

Blasphemy,  I say!!!
SHE is NOT an IT, JR!!
Oh the SHAME of it all  !!!
Your shoe problem PROVES that SHE is screaming for a REAL  NAME!!!!!

I've never named a car!   We've had this MGB for 16 years... no  name.  I've
had the '59 Magnette for 12 years... no name.  Surely  there are others like


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