[Mgs] exhaust system flange

Councill, David dcouncill at msubillings.edu
Sun Aug 19 10:31:03 MDT 2007

Last week I removed my exhaust system. But in the process, one of the
studs  on the exhaust manifold flange snapped. I first made a cut in the
remnant bolt so I could use a screw drive to remove it. Failing that, I
tried in EZ-out. But the bolt is securely frozen in place. Yes, I also
sprayed it over several days with penetrant, two kinds. Finally, I bored
a hole through the center of the bolt, from the initial EZ-out hole.
Gradually, in increased the hole up to 1/4". Now I am tapping the hole
again. But my carbon steel 5/16-18 tap is not making much headway. I
gave up for a few days and plan to resume the ordeal this afternoon.

Any suggestions? Maybe my Harbor Freight tap is not good enough? Any
suggestions on a cutting oil perhaps? I should mention that I am doing
this under the car. I was going to pull the exhaust manifold but being a
bit lazy and realizing that I couldn't find a better place to hold the
manifold, it seemed like it was best to do it in place.

I have a few more studs coming from Moss in a few days to complete the
job. Strange that the previous bolt appears to have molded itself in
place because it has only been maybe two years. But what is, is and
getting the bolt tapped is the main task at hand.

Hopefully some of you can reply before I resume the task in about 4

David Councill
67 BGT
72 B

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