[Mgs] Overdrive oil

Frank frankk at intap.net
Wed Aug 15 07:08:12 MDT 2007

Bob: I recall that tech bulletin and also have an old service manual that 
mentions the use of 90w.  When Bassett's Jaguar rebuilt the tranny in my 
1964 B a few years back Bill Bassett was very specific about using only 30w 
non-detergent oil. It was readily available at the local Napa store. My 
Bentley manuals call  for the use of the same motor oil as in the engine. 
In my old H Production Bugeye with brass synchros it was absolutely 
forbidden to use gear oil as it had an extremely negative impact on the 
syncro rings.
Frank Krajewski
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Howard" <mgbob at juno.com>
To: <ccrobins at ktc.com>
Cc: <mgs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Overdrive oil

>  Why would anyone use 90W gear lube....?
>  MG at one time issued a Tech Service Bulletin that said 90w could be
> used.  About a month later that TSB was rescinded, but that bad
> information was picked up and used in some service manuals published by
> others.  I have an old Haynes that shows 90 as an approved lubricant. It
> came with an OD-equipped MGB when I bought the car.  I changed all fluids
> as soon as I got the car, including changing to 90 from whatever nasty
> sludge was in the OD at the time, and it worked fine until air temp
> dropped below about 60degrees F.
>   Sad to say, that erronious information is still out there in some old
> books.
> Bob
> On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:12:07 -0500 Charles & Peggy Robinson
> <ccrobins at ktc.com> writes:
> snip
>>    Also, why would they use 90W gear lube when it's expressly
>> prohibited?
>>    CR
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