[Mgs] Death Trap

Eric Erickson eric at erickson.on.net
Wed Aug 1 08:15:23 MDT 2007

On 01/08/2007, at 11:30 PM, Larry Daniels wrote:

> Beats me.  That just went way beyond my expertise in computers.   
> Although, I
> do hear that it is getting to the point where it requires a lot of  
> votes to
> make a difference in the percentages.  That will get worse as the  
> number of
> votes mount up.  Pretty good reason to stay on top of it now rather  
> than
> trying to play catch-up later.

Well before my work mates and I attacked it from work and from home  
(even though we weren't seeing immediate results, we kept at it), it  
finally moved from a significant few points between 1st and Death  
Trap at third (that frightened me) - to just a few points of a  
percentage point.

I suggest we just keep at it even if we don't see an instant jump -  
for the reasons Larry outlines above.

I am a competitive bugger and when I get into a race......



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