[Mgb-v8] LED instrument lights

Barrie Robinson barrob at bell.net
Tue Jul 7 09:59:37 MDT 2020

Hello Folks,

I have installed a SpeedHut speedo and tacho in my MGB GT V8 (not a 
factory one) and they are superb.  But the dimmer does not work on 
them.  So I have decided to put LED bulbs in the remaining four smaller 
gauges and this means I have to install a LED dimmer for all six 
gauges.   SpeedHut supply an LED dimmer but despite many emails I cannot 
find how their dimmer hooks up with their gauges and my to-be-installed 
LEDs in the smaller four. (Probably affected by the dreaded virus - 
which we know is a hoax).  I do not to know what LED bulbs I get for my 
4 small gauges - and I need the new stronger ones.   I bought LEDs a 
while way back and they were no stronger than the incandescents !!!

So is there anyone who is into this subject as your help would be much 

I do hope that all is well with you and yours.  We are not doing badly 
and so far the dreaded lurgy has not come near us - but taking super 
precautions including face masks.

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