[Mgb-v8] Gear stick hitting cover

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Mon Sep 3 09:34:35 MDT 2012

This will only apply to those fortunate to have a Rover V8 with an 
SD1 gearbox :-).

When I go into 5th gear the gear stick hits against the metal of the 
transmission tunnel - I did grind some metal off but it has come back 
again - presumably the gearbox mounts are settling down.   I have 
about 4,000 miles on them.   Has  anyone else had this problem.  It 
is easy to fix but I just wondered if this was a normal like warm problem.


Barrie Robinson
barrie at look.ca
MGB GT V8  in great nick
Aston Martin 1957 DB 2/4 MkII under restoration

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