[Mgb-v8] Wheel nut torque

Paul Hunt paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun May 9 03:39:15 MDT 2010

Had two fronts tyres replaced this week, and I noticed that the fitter used an
air gun to do the nuts back up and only used a torque wrench to check that
they weren't *under* torqued.  Correct torque is 60 ft lb, I used my torque
wrench to loosen a couple on the rears and they needed about 70 ft lb.  One of
the fronts got up to 100 ft lb before it started to move, very slowly, needing
torque to keep it moving whereas they usually loosen quite quickly, another
got up to 120 ft lb and then the torque wrench (bendy bar type) broke!  I had
to use a breaker bar on the rest, and they were very variable in how much
force was required.  Bastards, that's another tyre chain (National Tyre and
Autowreck) crossed off my list, to go with the place (Shit-Fit) that wrecked
the coating on a just-refurbished alloy.  This place also used a short lift to
raise the car, the wheels straddle it then they put rubber blocks under the
body to lift it, something else I didn't like.


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