[Mgb-v8] PCV for Rover 3.5

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Tue May 4 09:17:16 MDT 2010

The problem is solved.  I went to PartsSource (a Canadian Tire 
subsiduary) and my good friend Robin there chased through all his 
bits and pieces and came up with  PCV with a right angle elbow and 
right sized spiggets - a piece of tube and we are all set to go.  Now 
I hear the MTO people are checking old cars for cat converters !!!

Thanks for the replies

Someone here just got stomped on for $400 for not having a PCV on his 
old vehicle.  So I am going to fit one to my 3.5L Rover V8.  My 
rocker covers have the outlets at the back while my Edelbrock has the 
PCV inlet at the front.  Anyone got any neat solutions for 
installation of a PCV and connecting up.  The cover has a 1/2" hose 
size and the card is 3/8" - of course !!!   Pictures would be 
nice.  Thanks in advance for replies


Barrie Robinson
barrie at look.ca
MGB GT V8  in great nick
Aston Martin 1955 DB 2/4 MkII under restoration  

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