[Mgb-v8] V8 Conversion Advice

Michael W. Jose michaelwjose at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 21 19:22:00 MDT 2010

Hello O Wise MG Sages,
I am a super lurker as I have not had much time or money to play with my very
neglected 79 B.  I have recently been sorting her out, renewing hoses and
rubber bits; turning the engine over by hand, etc. to ease her back onto the
road, now that I have my own house and garage to work in.

I have an opportunity to purchase a 99 Land Rover Discovery with a 4.0 V8 for
a song and I'm considering the swap.  I would have to take possession of the
entire vehicle (major collision but was 'still running' when parked a couple
years ago).  For those who have BTDT, which bits should I grab and which
should I leave?  I would like to use as much of the injection and ignition
systems as I can, though I understand maybe a bit of modification might be

If you have any insight, or just want to encourage or discourage me, please

Much thanks in advance.

Your humble fellow MG enthusiast,
Mike Jose
79 MGB
Chandler AZ

PS- Thanks to Mark for your patience... I thought I did it right last time,
but it was a keyboard-to-chair interface error, it seems.  Thanks for all you

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