[Mgb-v8] Holley vs Edelbrock

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Wed Apr 28 09:23:07 MDT 2010

I have had an Edelbrock (Weber) 1404 carb on my 3.5L Rover V8 motor 
since day one.  I have never got the engine running "sweetly" 
although I do have a mild cam.  I have found a mechanic who 
understands these things and is heavy into track, hot rod and such 
type cars.  He did a few things to my motor - found a few faults like 
timing was off, carb was leaking air a bit.  Now it runs much better 
but he is saying I should replace my carb with a Holley - night and 
day he maintains.  He, and his high tech man (computers,chips, 
whizbangs and that sort of new stuff) say no one runs Edelbrocks in 
the stock/hot rod/track cars - no one!  Now RPi in UK extol the 
virtues of the Edelbrock which sells in UK as a Weber, but then they 
sell them - not Holleys.   Has anyone had both? and what difference 
did you find?   Please accept my thanks in advance for any replies


Barrie Robinson
barrie at look.ca
MGB GT V8  in great nick
Aston Martin 1955 DB 2/4 MkII under restoration 

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