[Mgb-v8] Two Questions

Ficalora, Robert robert.ficalora at hp.com
Tue Sep 8 16:14:56 MDT 2009

Can't help you with #2, but for #1 the answer is "it depends."  The angle of
the pinion should be the same as the angle of the engine/transmission --
parallel but not in direct line.  In other words, if your engine/tranny tilt
down by 3* your pinion should tilt up 3*.  The attached picture should
explain.  It doesn't say, but I believe the ideal pinion angle is in the 3-5
degree range.  0 doesn't let the u-joints work.  If the angles aren't the same
you'll get vibration vs. whine though.


-----Original Message-----
From: mgb-v8-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:mgb-v8-bounces at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of The Rays
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 4:54 PM
To: MG-V8 List
Subject: [Mgb-v8] Two Questions

I Have a couple of questions that I hope someone out there may have the
answer to.

1.  What is the correct pinion angle for an MGB with a Ford 8 inch axle?  I
have installed one in my B and have a significant amount of humming noise
coming from the axle.  My suspicion is that it needs a rebuild but I wanted
to check the pinion angle first before I pull the third member.

2.  Does anyone know what type of automatic transmission fluid goes in a T35
transmission?  Its the transmission that was coupled to my Rover V8 when I
installed it in my B.  I have been using type F but that is just a guess.

Thanks for your help.

Jim Ray
1980 MGB V8
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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of pinion angle.gif]

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