[Mgb-v8] Help for Buffalo area

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Thu Sep 3 09:20:47 MDT 2009

I have located a 5-speed Rover gearbox for my sick MGB GT V8 but it 
is in the US (I am 80km north of Toronto).  I can get it shipped to 
near the border then I can drive down and pick it up.  This saves me 
lots of cash as brokerage fees are stiff.  So I wondering if there is 
anyone in the Buffalo area to whom I can ship the gearbox, then I 
pick it up.  Or Port Huron (Sarnia) is another possibility.   Or any 
Canadian going and returning from the States?  I pay your 
gas!    Time is of the essence as the shop is anxious to get my 
machine out 'cos it is taking up space !!


Barrie Robinson

705-721-9060 (Canada)
Aston Martin DB 2/4 MkII in the wings
http://www.britishv8.org/MG/BarrieRobinson.htm            TRY 
www.britcot.com - a unique web site for car goodies

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