[Mgb-v8] Gearbox wanted

Barrie Robinson barrie at look.ca
Tue Sep 1 15:53:13 MDT 2009

I am in need of a LT77 or R380 5-speed gearbox for my MGB GT 
V8.  Does anyone know where Ted Schumacher is as he has one I believe 
- he is not answering his phone.

  Also, does anyone have Glen Towery's and Mark of D&D's email 
addresses.  I tried the ones I had but both bounced back !

By the bye, I just got quoted for one BSW 3/8ths 2" bolts for my 
under-restoration '55 Aston ........$7.....$1.50 for the nut.   So 
guess I will go BSF at $12 with lock nut and washer FOR SIX.


Barrie Robinson

705-721-9060 (Canada)
Aston Martin DB 2/4 MkII in the wings
http://www.britishv8.org/MG/BarrieRobinson.htm            TRY 
www.britcot.com - a unique web site for car goodies

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