[Mgb-v8] Coil

Bill Zenkus mgb_zenkus at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 27 15:45:57 MDT 2009

I've been using the pertronix coil for the last three years without any issues. 

Sent from Bill's iPhone!

On Jun 27, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Barrie Robinson <barrie at look.ca> wrote:

Forgot to say I have a  Delco distributor with Petronix from D&D.

I am embarrassed to say that after getting my Rover 3.5, Weber, mild cam and 10:1 pistons to run sweetly - I left the ignition on overnight and the battery went flat !!!!    I had somewhere in the back of my mind that this will ruin the coil.  Sure enough it is cooked.  Still works but top insulation is cracking and is leaking slightly.

Any recommendations for a replacement? - I had a Lucas Sports Coil  think!


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