[Mgb-v8] How to remove a rheostat from the dash

Dodd, Kelvin doddk at mossmotors.com
Wed May 7 11:33:51 MDT 2008

Look at the bottom of the knob. There is a small recess. Push a punch
into the recess and that will lift the retaining pin, while pushing up
on the punch carefully pull the knob off.

Kelvin Dodd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mgb-v8-bounces+doddk=mossmotors.com at autox.team.net
> [mailto:mgb-v8-bounces+doddk=mossmotors.com at autox.team.net]
> On Behalf Of The Rays
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:26 AM
> To: MG-V8 List
> Subject: [Mgb-v8] How to remove a rheostat from the dash
> Does anyone know how to remove the rheostat from a 1980 MGB
> dash?  I have the dash out of the car and have loosened the
> rheostat at the back of the dash but cant figure out how to
> get the knob off.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jim Ray

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