[Mgb-v8] A bit of a run

Greg A Myer motorhead45 at juno.com
Sat Jun 28 08:39:02 MDT 2008

Nice pictures Paul.
I just saw a travelogue about Wales on the 
local educational channel. A Rick Steves show.
He's an American who tours Eurpoe and tells
us what's the best way to go about it.
Anyway, he went up Snowdon.
That also looks like a beautiful area, so your
next year's trip will be more than worthwhile too !
My last hike in the mountains was at the British V8 Meet in 
Townsend, Tennessee summer before last. 
Maybe I'm working too much.
Time to head for the hills.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:09:19 +0100 "Paul Hunt"
<paul.hunt1 at blueyonder.co.uk> writes:
> Indeed, there are some of the walk itself at 
> http://www.mgb-stuff.org.uk/bn08.htm
> PaulH.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   Will you be posting any pictures on your site ?

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