[Mg-t] Bonnet latches

Rick Lindsay richardolindsay at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 06:13:52 MST 2014

Hello Friends,B 

I am embarrassed to have to ask this question again - but I will.

When attaching the bonnet latches and bonnet bumpers on the TD's front wing;

1. The bumper pads face outward so that the rubber pad touches the bonnet, when closed. That one is pretty easy.

2. The latch pieces are installed with the offset toward the engine, right? So that the latch pulls the bonnet inward and against the pads? Is that right?

I hate to ask this question of you because I have asked it before ... and have gotten your answers. Sadly, I just don't remember the answer.

To that end; Have you ever thought about how the binary issues are the easiest to confuse? That is, the issues with only two outcomes: yes or no, up or down, offset facing in or out, "Did I turn the coffee pot off, or not?"

Experts tell us that the confusion is because the human mind is so good a flipping symetry. Otherwise, we'd have a very hard time using the bathroom mirror or backing out of the driveway without hitting the trash cans!

Whew! I now don't feel so badly about asking again about latch orientation. But I would still appreciate your wise council.

-rick, with a TD wing that HAS to come off the dining room table today! "-o

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