[Mg-t] Slow progress...

Richard Lindsay richardolindsay at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 17:21:22 MDT 2013

Hi Friends,

Progress was slow today. Lots of other errands to run. Still, I made
some progress.

I installed the glove box and attached it to the sub-dashboard. Its
solidly attached and looks nice. I had installed a new lining earlier.

I then tested then connected the new harness to the headlight
foot-operated dip-switch. I mounted it to the side bulkhead, using new
hardware. Harness was perfect.

And speaking of hardware, I replaced the bolts holding the tub to the
uprights on the frame. I had used bolts that I had in hand, which were
too long, AND I had installed them incorrectly. Today I bought new
bolts 1/4" shorter and installed them correctly: with the bolt head on
the inside of the cockpit. Looks better and there's nothing 'pointy'
sticking into the footwell.

I next sorted out and labeled the harness wires at the dashboard. The
Moss harness is nicely done. It even includes the fog light circuit!
The only issue I have found is that the turn signal relay box wires
assume the box is mounted differently from my car. Still, an hour's
work, some solder, bulk wire and heat-shrink tubing put that right.

New tires arrived for the other project; the '73 Volvo 1800ES. I still
have to paint the wheels then get the new tires mounted. Rain is
forecast tonight and into the next couple of days, so no painting

That's it. Happy Tuesday.


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