[Mg-t] Electric fan

mgbob at juno.com mgbob at juno.com
Tue May 14 12:01:06 MDT 2013

  TDs have large radiators for their size. Overheating, if engine and cooling
system are in good nick, is rare. My engine ran happily in Richmond VA for
years, then in Sarasota FL, both places in all seasons, and its temp gauge has
never hit 100.  That is with the standard fan, and 40-50% ethylene glycol
antifreeze.  Some TD owners have installed the plastic fan used on MGBs. It is
said to be a direct bolt-on, though I have not tried it.  You may not need an
electric fan.Bob

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Richard Lindsay <richardolindsay at gmail.com>
To: mg-t at autox.team.net
Subject: [Mg-t] Electric fan
Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 12:10:16 -0500

Hello Friends,

I live in the blast furnace known as 'summertime in Houston, Texas'.
Around here, old British cars suffer in the summer heat without a
little modern help.  To that end, I would like to add an electric fan
to my TD upon reassembly.  Those puppies can draw a lot of current so
matching the fan to the capacity of the electrical system will be

Another question arises; Is there room to fit an electric pancake fan
between the radiator and the grill?  I could certainly fit one behind
the radiator if I omit the mechanical fan, but I would rather have the
electric fan out of sight.

What have you guys done, if anything?


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