[Mg-t] Combo oil pressure / coolant temperature gauge

Richard Lindsay richardolindsay at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 20:09:14 MDT 2013

Hello Friends,

Today was a grandbaby hugging day so not a lot of car work got done.
This evening I did clean the combo gauge and while its LOTS better, it
still has a lot of 'patina' on the face.  Here's how it looked when I
started.  (The website is REALLY slow this evening so if you can't get
to the pictures, please try a little later.  The ghost's in the


Here it is, as it looks after tonight's work.


I'll paint the gauge hands before final reassembly and put a new wrap
of green cellophane around the light opening.  These little buggers
are really expensive so I don't want to mess with it too much and risk
damage.  I think it will be just fine as is, if showing a little
character.  If I change my mind later, there are reputable shops who
can restore the instrument.


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