[Mg-t] over problem

Dave and Liz DuBois ddubois at sinclair.net
Fri Sep 16 12:02:02 MDT 2011

Being somewhere in the Pacific off Vancouver Island on the return leg of 
a cruise cruise to Alaska, I am responding late to the latest query.  
Gene, Iam going to refer you to the article, Float Lever Drop Adjustment 
in the Other Tech Articles section of my web site at: 
http://homepages.donobi.net/sufuelpumps/   This is an entirely different 
adjustment from the one in the one printed in the workshop manual and 
deals with the situation where the float lever drops so far down that 
the needle gets jammed against the float lever, making it impossible for 
the float to push the lever (and thus the needle) up to shut off the 
flow of fuel.  Cheers - Dave

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