[Mg-t] ZDDP

Stuart Keen simbafish at comcast.net
Wed Mar 16 15:06:12 MST 2011

Hi Y9all

I9ve been reading about ZDDP and flat head engines and before I get into
trouble, thought I9d better get some recommendations from the experts..

Some time ago (on this site, I believe) I read that Valvoline VR-1 racing
oil was the recommended oil for TDs because it contained ZDDP. So that9s
what I have been using. But is it enough. I see Moss sells ZDDPlus additive
so made the assumption that perhaps the ZDDP in VR-1 was not sufficient. So
I wrote the manufacturer. Here is their reply:

3Good to hear from you.. I'm not up to speed on the factory recommendation
for Zn and P content of a 1951 MGTD.. I suggest that you ask the engine
rebuilder, or find the original requirement for Zn and P content
 Then you
can choose any oil you like, and add ZddPlus until you get the proper

ZDDP is an anti-wear molecule that activates with temperature and pressure.
When activated, the ZDDP molecule creates a "glass-like" barrier that
prevents the metal from touching metal.. When the temp/pressure subsides,
then spent ZDDP simply goes into solution. ZDDP has been around since the
start of WWII
 Most modern engines use roller cams and have no need for
 but a few of us drive flat-tappet vehicles.. and ZDDP is absolutely

For me that answer was a non-answer. 3Go to the manufacture of the engine2.
Hmmm. Anyway, does anyone have an educated opinion? Should I be adding ZDDP
to VR-1 or just oils which contain no ZDDP. On the Valvoline web site I
found that Valvoline VR1 Racing Oil contains .13% of Zinc and .12% of
Phosphorus (ZDDP).

Comments? Thanks


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