[Mg-t] Overheating

BOB GRUNAU grunau.garage at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 10 13:42:44 MST 2011

I would check that the TIMING is advanced enough. You stated earlier that it
was set by a British mechanic to spec, or some such comment.
Modern fuels require more advance on the distributor . I would warm up the
car, loosen the distributor, set the throttle to about 3000 to 3500 rpm by
sticking a match stick under the throttle stop. Now SLOWLY rotate the
distributor clockwise and the engine speed will most likely increase.
Continue clockwise rotation till the engine speed starts to fall off ( too
much advance ) . Now back off the timing slightly by rotating the
distributor anti-clockways to retard timing slightly. Clamp distributor and
test drive and make sure it starts OK.
Bob Grunau, Canada


Hi Gene et al

I misunderstood the comment about bending the slats. I thought the
discussion was about bending the slats on the side of the bonnet to increase
air flow exiting. Now that I understand it is the radiator slats, not a
problem. This is a Mk II and accordingly has chrome plated slats, not
painted. Not a problem to bend, so this will be done before the day is out.
Any idea how much they should be opened. I suppose maximum would be best,
but then I do not know the physics of air flow.


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