[Mg-t] Overheating

Stuart Keen simbafish at comcast.net
Thu Mar 10 10:47:52 MST 2011

Evans might be a too-easy fix for a major problem. What problems have you
had? On searching the net, I came across the follow. Any comments?

You have to be careful with the water pump. Usually the water pump will work
fine on a race car, but will not flow fast enough for Evans at low engine
speeds. You also need a larger radiator with large coolant tubes. I have
tried Evans on several cars including a 1000 HP road race car. In my humble
opinion, this stuff does not work. Your metal temps run higher with Evans,
not what their marketing claims. By the way, no track that I know of will
allow you to run this anymore. All the tracks require water only in the
coolant system. 

1951 MG TD MkII

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