[Mg-t] Heat Deflector

Stuart Keen simbafish at comcast.net
Thu Sep 23 20:13:43 MDT 2010

My girlfriend says the heat from the exhaust pipe coming through the floor
board of the TD on the passenger side is almost intolerable. I am trying to
convince her that we should join the  Rallye to Reno 2011 next June, but the
heat problem has to be convincingly fixed first. I have incorporated the
following  but all together they have been insufficient

1. I laid between the carpet and the floorboard a sheet of asbestos cloth
(such as that used on the underside of the bonnet by some)
2. I mounted  under the car on the passenger side a 1.5 ft sq sheet of
aluminum one half inch away from the floorboard (thus allowing air flow and
hopefully some shielding from the hot exhaust pipe below).
3.  I installed down by the feet a small 6 inch whisper fan (such as used in
electronic equipment).

I am open to suggestions. Hopefully someone has come up with a viable
solution that has actually been tested. I can think of nothing else (other
than moving the exhaust pipe to the driver9s side and that9s out of the

Any and all ideas will be appreciated.

Stu Keen
1951 MGTD Mk II

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