[Mg-t] Off Subject - TD Parts

Shop at " Just Brits " shop at justbrits.com
Sat Mar 6 14:33:44 MST 2010

Hi Mark:

<< Please send responses to me off-list. >>

Just to further educate the MG-T List, I will not do
that <G> !!  You [if you feel so inclined] will have to
forward this to the TABC List as I am not on it.
Hope that's OK <VBG>!!
<< 1. Shock link for an Andrex shock absorber. These shocks are
unique to the Mark II TD. The link is approximately 5 inches
long when measured from the center of mounting stud holes.
The length of the link is adjustable with threaded ends. >>

The ones I HAVE for a '51 Mk. II I am doing ARE
@ 5" long but there is not an 'adjustment' and none
of the pics I have seen show them being so !?!?!

I will have to double check, but I do think I have an
extra set.  Will write direct.

<< 2.	A complete oil bath air cleaner assemblyincluding the air 
intake manifold. Apparently this assembly is unique to the 
Mark II series.  >>

Basically, you are flat out of luck.  It took me four [4]
YEARS to find the set-up I DID get, and yes you ARE
correct - the entire set-up for Mk. II is LARGER and

Al Moss himself told me during a telephone call that
the very FIRST thing done to the NEW Mk. II s coming
in the door was to have the ENTIRE set-up removed &
throw DIRECTLY in the trash !?!?!?!  AaaaRrrrrGggggg!!
At that point he wished me a sincere "Good Luck" in my

Now, if any of the Listers know & can tell you WHAT
happened to the very last of Skip Kelsey's
[Shadetree Motors] "stock", I know that he did have
two [2] full set-ups that "were in fare from pristine
condition." !!!  Skip told me that himself.

One other source for you that I can think of would be
Mick Conde in Penn.!  Hopefully a Lister can come up
with or actually has Mick's contact info.

Regular & known MG Shops that I have chatted with in
the past several years just laugh when I ask for any of
which you seek.

Regards and Good Luck !!!!

Please visit MY site at:

PS:  I WILL write you direct in a little while.

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