[Mg-t] TD Steering Rack

BOB GRUNAU grunau.garage at sympatico.ca
Mon Nov 23 19:27:26 MST 2009

Absolutely. Grease will NOT flow to the gears or the shafts for lubrication.
Use gear oil.
Bob Grunau

I've just gotten in on this thread and do I understand correctly, that the
tach gear box from the generator to the tach should also have 90W and not

Hi John,

See http://omgtr.ca/technical/highpressureoiler/highpressureoiler.htm for
how to make a dedicated oiler for the steering rack and the tachometer
gearbox (as Bob Grunau recommends).  Either of the oilers will work better
on the rack with a long flexible nozzle. I use a 90 weight Marine Gear Oil
for both applications.  Cheaper than the synthetics that I use in tranny and

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