[Mg-t] paint

Ed's Shop shop at justbrits.com
Mon May 18 18:45:48 MDT 2009

<<You mention Ford Argent, but that is not 
showing up in any manufacturer's books.>>

Odd Lew, did YOU (or any other of the LAZY
folks<G>) try a Google search???

Rhetoric question I guess because Geesh, 10 
seconds for Firefox to open (several other 
programs running), 13 keystrokes (@7 seconds),
+ another .015 secs 'waiting' for Google Search
results = returns 334,000 hits.

I don't 'need' any right now, so I WILL let
you folks do the rest of the (VERY 'hard')


PS:  I did 'cheat' tho as I DO have the Google
Search Bar<VBG> which IS free.  LOL

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