[Mg-t] scrappage laws- gun control

Larry Shoer LarryShoer at comcast.net
Wed May 6 06:30:50 MDT 2009

Before posting, I encourage people to spend a few minutes checking
facts.  Here is an alternate interpretation of the Australian data.  I
quote from http://www.guncontrol.org.au/index.php?article=32 (admittedly
not a neutral party, but their data sources are listed, so can be
further verified).


"Claim 1. Australian homicides are up 3.2% since the new laws.

In 1998, compared to the average of the two years prior to new gun laws
becoming operative (1996-1997), gun homicides dropped by 37.8%. Murder
by all means dropped 13.7%.

Claim 2. Armed robberies are up by a "whopping" 44% since the new laws.
In fact the rate of armed robbery increase dropped 12% in 1998.

Claim 3. Assaults are up 8.6% since the new laws. In fact the rate of
assaults increase dropped by 4.2% in 1998.

Claim 4. In Victoria there was a 300% increase in homicides following
the new laws. In fact the homicide rate in Victoria dropped by 19.8% in
1998. Victoria has for many years had the lowest homicide rate of the
six Australian states. In three months we will have the 1999 ABS
statistics. These will allow the matter to be re-examined."


Other information in "A LITTLE GUN HISTORY" can be similarly checked.
Before jumping to a particular conclusion, I encourage you to do so.

I, too, have strong opinions about this topic, but do not participate in
the MG forums to voice these opinions.  I come here to escape the noise
and baggage of a chaotic world.


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