[Mg-t] scrap page laws

Ed's Shop shop at justbrits.com
Tue May 5 21:05:31 MDT 2009

<<We have laws in this world to protect  
innocent people from lunatics with these weapons.>>

And they work SO well, Murray !!!!

Chi streets get 'sprayed' regularly.  Must ALL be 
from ATF Class III LICENSED folks, huh???

You are, for the most part, correct in that 'normal'
citizens have absolutely no NEED nor use of FULL
automatic weapons BUT, on the other hand the Police
DO 'have a need' and they CAN'T get them !!!!  
Chicago Police Dept. is in the process of re-arming
Officers with SIMI-auto assault-type weapons and
NOT even in a decent caliber.

And what the He|| good is that when they ARE in
a fire fight with the gang bangers (which, VERY
UN-fortunately, often<F> ????

Thanks for bring the dead subject BACK up, Bud<G>!!


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