[Mg-t] Questionable Starter

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Tue Aug 18 08:50:02 MDT 2009

Mornin', Charlie !!

<<Of course you would have to not be concerned with it having the
right date code.>>

Only Stu can say for sure, but I would think he WOULD be 'concerned'
about have correct date code be 'cause he DOES have one (1) of less
then a dozen'51 Mk. IIs !!!

To coin a phrase, about 10 -15 years ago I was "on a mission from God"
<G> to locate '51 MK. IIs as I have one here waiting assembly for which
I HAVE sourced ALL of the Mk. II 'goodies !!

When I was 'sourcing' said parts I had a couple phone conversations with
Al Moss who flat told me that as soon as a Mk. II crossed his door's
threshold the FIRST thing to get "tossed in the trash...," WAS the larger
Oil Bath Air Filter and the Air Plenum !!!!  He also said that if I 
turned as
extra "set" he would like them even tho he didn't have a '51 <VBG>!!!

And yes, found Andrex Shox AND all proper links<V V V B G>

Please visit MY site at:

PS:  IIRC, I only actually 'located' either 7 or 8 world wide !!!

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