[Mg-t] [Morris] FYI - Good deal on MGTc on Craigslist in NorCal

Mike Duvall duvallcom at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 19 14:57:17 MDT 2008

If one were to follow the logic of namewitheld (spelled wrong, is  
that a scam?)  then he would be liable for an ebay scam because he  
told us the scammers have moved to craigslist.

That makes one ask can someone really be an environmentalist and a  
british car owner?  I guess you can't be either in California...

On Apr 19, 2008, at 3:41 PM, rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net wrote:

> I did not recomend it - just posted it as a FYI - buyer beware -  
> They are not all scams - I just placed a decent $9,000 '49 Triumph  
> 2000 roadster that I saw on Craigslist to a delighted buyer who was  
> visiting SoCal from Alabama - yes I know that these things can be  
> scams but often are not -
> If I am going to be made liable for passing on a email posting from  
> a public list, I might as well give up this hobby completely, buy a  
> Toyota and take up golf. So should you ...............
> And as an afterthought - f*ck the lawyers - they have made  
> automotive events almost impossible to put on and are after our  
> cars at a state level with proposed legislation that we will  
> someday have to drag our "collector cars" to meets on trailers  
> behind our hybirds!
> Cheers,
> Ruck Feibusch
> Venice, CA
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: (name witheld)
>> Sent: Apr 19, 2008 12:08 PM
>> To: rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net
>> Subject: Re: [Morris] FYI - Good deal on MGTc on Craigslist in NorCal
>> As you might be aware, the thieves and scammers have moved from  
>> eBay to
>> Craigslist.  Just wanted to let you know that from a legal  
>> standpoint, when  you recommend a deal like this (obviously a  
>> scam), you are setting yourself up for a liability lawsuit if  
>> someone sends the supposed seller some money and then loses it.
> Regards,
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