[Mg-t] Fw: [Healeys] ALERT: MG Parts Stolen in Detroit!

Carr&Edwards scvc70 at epix.net
Wed Oct 17 11:08:51 MDT 2007

His many friends are already doing that.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Carl French
  To: Carr&Edwards ; Listserve T-series ; Listserve Triple-M ; DVC MG
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [Mg-t] Fw: [Healeys] ALERT: MG Parts Stolen in Detroit!

  Really sad considering they will just melt it down. He needs to call/visit
EVERY scrap yard in the area and offer them double what they will get for the
stuff. It will be a bargain and he may get some of the stuff back.

  Carr&Edwards <scvc70 at epix.net> wrote:
    I know the person from whom these parts were stolen, and thought I'd
    this message to both MG lists. His loss cannot be measured in dollars
    alone--I know he has spent years acquiring some of these things from
    England. Keep your collective eyes open!

    Sarah Carr
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