Bob Howard mgbob at juno.com
Thu Nov 8 14:56:34 MST 2007

Hi Rocky,
   How nice to have an engine that is oil-free on the outside. Watch out
for rust.
   The front seal I purchased from Moss worked fine first time in, w/o
the speedy sleeve or any thing else done to the pulley. Whatever the
cause, it's good to have the leak ended.
    The ammeter should jiggle a bit as the regulator's points snap open
and closed to regulate the current, but it's just a jiggle, a small
amount.  I have seen major spikes of the needle when the ground wire from
gearbox to chassis was loose.  I tested it by rigging another ground from
a bolt on the engine somewhere to chassis. That resolved the spiking, and
confirmed the ground at gearbox to be at fault. 
On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:39:18 -0500 "KRISLYN COMPANY"
<KRISLYNCO.LLC at roadrunner.com> writes:
> hello again............
> Well the speedy sleeve worked perfectly on the front balancer seal 
> she's dry
> as a bone!!!! I actually have an MG TD XPAG motor that hasn't a 
> leak
> anywhere....(and yes there is oil in it...I think!!)  I cant help 
> but wonder
> if the moss (Timkin) front seal doesnt really require the speedy 
> sleeve
> anyways as the seal truly is generic to the car and my balancer was 
> not scored
> or pitted at all.
> Can anyone comment on why the amp meter pings all over the place 
> (mostly
> upward)  with each tick of the rocker valves in the motor....  
> shouldn't it be
> just still and steady when charging ? Any thoughts on a fix??
> Thanks as always.
> Rocky

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