[Mg-t] Carb oil

Dick Dell rddell at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 7 14:13:46 MST 2007

I have not caught all of the posts on this topic and someone else may have
brought this up already.

I have had my "TF" and many, many other British cars over the past 40 years. I
have always used Marvel Mystery Oil in the carbs in all weather, from the
mountains of New Jersey to the warmer clime of North Carolina, where I live
now along with the MGTF, Jag E-type, TR3 and a Jensen Healey.

All of them have Marvel Mystery Oil in the carbs, all start and run great. I
experimented many years ago and found issues with any of the motor oils as
carb oil, mostly due to the change in viscosity. MMO seems to change density
with temperature at just the right rate of change.

Also, if you ever have to free up a stuck engine that has been sitting for
awhile, fill the cylinders with Marvel Mystery Oil and let it seep past the
rings for a day or two. The results are miraculous.

Dick Dell

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