[Mg-t] Touchy Clutchy

Mike Duvall duvallcom at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 5 11:08:38 MST 2007

My wife will back this up!  She never drove it again....


On Nov 5, 2007, at 12:06 PM, Dave and Liz DuBois wrote:

> The next thing is of great importance.  Until you solve the problem  
> and
> even afterward, don't ever try to start on an uphill slope, where the
> car will roll back while you go from the brake to the throttle while
> releasing the clutch as the car rolls back, even a little bit.   
> This is
> a recipe for a broken half shaft.   I know of more people who have
> broken half shafts doing that  and they all say the same thing, "it
> wasn't much of a grade, but the axle just broke in an instant.

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