[Land-speed] A too quiet list...

Chris R Harris yesford at clear.net.nz
Tue Apr 1 17:37:42 MDT 2014

> Chris:
> You usually come every other year. You got sumptin different you are not
> telling us about?  LOL

Very 'tongue in cheek' I say my Bonneville budget has jumped since I stopped 
my wife's wine intake.
Seriously, everyone knows what a truly outstanding wife & family I have in 
addition to my dedicated crew. Bonneville sure can be a humbling place but 
therein lies the challenge. Our return this year apparently puts us one 
ahead of Burt Monro's number of most events by an overseas entrant. Bottom 
line..........beside the racing, it's everyone involved with salt LSR we 
equally enjoy.

Chris Harris............NZed. 

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