[Land-speed] Tires for my Trailer

Kirkwood saltfever at comcast.net
Sat May 19 13:17:07 MDT 2012

Great post, John and thanx!  
I haven't heard of TPMS available on new trailers so I assume you bought an
aftermarket system. I think that is a great idea. Can you tell us the brand
and a little about it? Any hints on why you choose that brand or things to
be considered with trailer use. Does the RF conflict with an OEM TPMS on the
tow vehicle?

From: "John Staiger" (edit . . .) We use a TPMS system that monitors
pressure and heat and since switching, I noticed that the tire temps dropped
40F during the downhill run through Salt Lake and across the desert.  This
is a pretty big number in my book.

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