[Land-speed] IN Car Communications

Jon Wennerberg jonwennerberg at nancyandjon.org
Wed Jan 18 13:03:50 MST 2012

Mayf, I'm a ham radio operator - and so are a good number of the rest of the
racers.  I've had lots of experience with in-car (and even in/on-bike) two way
radios.  Rest at ease and look around at the suggestions that others make on
which style -- AM (CB), FM, etc -- but make sure you ask a radio person about
the antenna.  The aerial can make or break a radio system.  They come in all
sizes and shapes, with some working far better than others.  Putting up the
base station (at your pit or in your support vehicle) is the easy part.
Getting things working in the car is quite a challenge -- but it's done
frequently and well.  Be in touch, hey?

Jon a/k/a SSS

On Jan 18, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Larry Mayfield wrote:

> Many times when I am ou watchng cars and not in line waiting my turn, I
> hear the tow crew come on the CB line with comments like the driver
> reports he lost the motor or blew a tire or some other disaster in the
> run downrange.  My question is: How does the driver talk to the crew in
> the tow truck? I can see big utility in having an in car comm system to
> notify the tow that something is amiss  but I have never looked to see
> what could and can be used.   I can also see where a peer to peer ad hoc
> network on the salt might also be helpful for data gathering and
> communication as well.
> So, I'd like to hear from any and all about their systems in car and in
> pit and tow that they might have. I think I would like to invest in one
> also if I don't have to rob the main Chinese bank (ours don't have any
> money, lol)...
> Comments? Thoughts?
> mayf

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