[Land-speed] BBC Firing order

Dave Dahlgren dahlgren536 at comcast.net
Fri Jun 3 14:33:31 MDT 2011

Or a better designed manifold....
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Skip Higginbotham" <saltrat at pahrump.com>
To: "Kirkwood" <saltfever at comcast.net>; <land-speed at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] BBC Firing order

>I think of the crank as a long torsion bar as you suggest but with a 
>difference, the more the crank twists, end to end, the farther the cam gets 
>out of position and the farther the valve timing is off. So if the major 
>part of the torsioning force is closer to the cam drive the timing won't be 
>as far off.
> The port nozzle in 7 is smaller than in 5 (and the rest) due to plennum 
> air taken away from 7 by 5 and this probably has more to do with it than 
> anything else. This can be helped by a little longer intake valve opening 
> on 7.
> Skip

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