[Land-speed] Destroking a Crankshaft...

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Mon Feb 21 00:07:30 MST 2011

What displacement is your target Mayf?
Ford made 221 and 260 Windsors, but the 221 is a collectors item and 260 
are almost as rare.

I would call several engine builders and see if they can help you. Given 
enough money, of course,
any large machine shop could do the job. The biggest problem is finding 
a set of shop blueprints
that can be used to set up the CNC equipment.

A thought, find someone who makes billet 289 cranks and see if the could 
alter the CNC setup
to give you the stroke you need.

Welding a cast crank is a lost art. Back in the '60's and '70's there 
were 2 or 3 guys that could do it.
As I recall. you had to keep the entire crank at around 800 or 900 
degrees and then let it cool overnight.


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