[Land-speed] Back to LSR Crap, Carbon fiber crap, specifically

BWANA343 at aol.com BWANA343 at aol.com
Mon Aug 1 17:24:57 MDT 2011

I suspect this subject has been done, and I'm prepared for the usual  "go 
to the archives" reply, but I'll take a shot. I'm crazy like that. Besides,  
it needs updating...
Carbon Fiber for Roll cages or anything structural currently using  T.A. 
rules Steel. 
All I found recently was FIM (I think) approves it in F1 and other road  
racers. It also is standard in at least a few super cars, i.e., Ferrari. I 
read  some manufacturers sites promos/tech that say it is comparable to what is 
 required in LSR, but the diameter is like half what we use.  
I also saw there is all kinds of manufacturing processes, and lots of crap  
available. Most of the crap seems to go for the accessory after market for  
hoods, spoilers, shift knobs, basically non structural. 
Somebody sent me the You Tube vid of that Toyota CF loom, I guess where we  
migjht be going ? 
Edjicate me...
Bob W 

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